Let’s Mobilize the Parkinson’s Community

Together We CAN Make a Difference!!

We number nearly 1 million in the US alone.

We’re your Friends.

Your Neighbors.

Your Relatives.

WE –  are the faces of Parkinson’s.

Real People. Trying to live normal lives.

But Fighting an uphill battle.

So far, science has not delivered the answers.

Those of us with Parkinson’s shake. Are stiff. Can suffer from chronic fatigue, constipation. Sleeplessness. Hallucinations. Even dementia.

It’s time to mobilize the Parkinson’s community around us – the patients.   The patient’s needs.  Solutions. Help.

It’s time to focus on the here and now, with a greater sense of urgency in helping the patient and in delivering breakthroughs in Parkinson’s research.

We want to bring the Parkinson’s Community together and reach  – right now – for one goal, collectively and collaboratively.  It’s time to mobilize.

Many quiet voices can create one loud voice – if we all work together.


Let’s speak as one voice – –  to find a Cure: Now.

What Drives Us

Our Mission

The Mission of Cure Now: PD
CureNow:PD exists to be positive agents of change in PD research.  We focus on bringing full enrollment and participation to studies and clinical trials using a local network of Parkinson’s ambassadors to make that happen.

Join our community of passionate supporters who are committed to helping patients be Change Makers in Parkinson’s Research through full enrollment in studies and clinical trials.  

We are Cure Now: PD – and need YOU to help bring full enrollment to critical Parkinson’s research.